Category: Psychologist Calgary Blog The Psychologist Calgary Blog, with articles on Calgary psychologists, Calgary counselling, and psychological issues related to living in the city of Calgary.
Children and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Winter means we want to sleep more, eat more and stay inside. These are ‘normal’ responses to the colder weather. However, other responses can occur as well. The responses could be more sinister in nature. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) has been questioned by many over the years. This disorder is currently listed…
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – the Psychological Perspective
It is normal for moods to fluctuate a bit throughout the year. Sometimes, our moods increase or decrease with factors such as how busy we are at work, how well we’re sleeping, holidays, or changes in our lives (e.g. moving, challenges in relationships, being sick). However, for some people, mood may consistently…
Fatigue in Children: What it looks like and What you can do
Fatigue affects us all, including children, unfortunately. We can be behind on our sleep due to big projects for work or school, due to anxiety, and because of time changes. Many children are affected by extracurricular activities and by the time changes, in particular. It is important to recognize the signs of…
Managing Fatigue: What do you Love to do?
Many psychologists talk to their clients about an emotional bank account: we only have so much in our bank account and the more emotions we extend to external sources (e.g. towards our spouse, children, friends), the less we have to care for ourselves. One of the lesser-discussed concepts is an energy bank…
Mindfulness: More than just a Trendy Topic
Everywhere I go these days, I hear about mindfulness. Mind you, I do spend a lot of time around people who like to think about their thoughts and mental processes (“metacognition”) and expand awareness in their lives! But whether it’s magazine covers, social media posts, and even in my sessions with patients,…
Building your Psychological Immunity
Children and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Winter means we want to sleep more, eat more and stay inside. These are ‘normal’ responses to the colder weather. However, other responses can occur as well. The responses could be more sinister in nature. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) has been questioned by many over the years. This disorder is currently listed…
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – the Psychological Perspective

It is normal for moods to fluctuate a bit throughout the year. Sometimes, our moods increase or decrease with factors such as how busy we are at work, how well we’re sleeping, holidays, or changes in our lives (e.g. moving, challenges in relationships, being sick). However, for some people, mood may consistently…
Fatigue in Children: What it looks like and What you can do

Fatigue affects us all, including children, unfortunately. We can be behind on our sleep due to big projects for work or school, due to anxiety, and because of time changes. Many children are affected by extracurricular activities and by the time changes, in particular. It is important to recognize the signs of…
Managing Fatigue: What do you Love to do?

Many psychologists talk to their clients about an emotional bank account: we only have so much in our bank account and the more emotions we extend to external sources (e.g. towards our spouse, children, friends), the less we have to care for ourselves. One of the lesser-discussed concepts is an energy bank…
Mindfulness: More than just a Trendy Topic

Everywhere I go these days, I hear about mindfulness. Mind you, I do spend a lot of time around people who like to think about their thoughts and mental processes (“metacognition”) and expand awareness in their lives! But whether it’s magazine covers, social media posts, and even in my sessions with patients,…