Summer time: No Structure! …and Chaos?!

summer time, kids playing: the unstructured life!

Whether it’s summer break or some other vacation and your kids are facing an ocean of sunshine, beaches, rainbows, BBQ’s, and sleeping in; or have a few weeks off in the winter to laze around, play games, and hang out with friends, their shackles have been cast off and they are free…

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3 Tips for Eating Healthy while Camping

healthy camping food

If you’re going into the great outdoors for a big hike, or a camping trip your body is going to need a lot more than coffee and marshmallows. Packing light and eating healthy can seem like a big challenge for trips that involve a lot of walking (or just a campfire for…

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3 Common Objections to Acupuncture

acupuncture needles

  A newcomer to acupuncture may feel intimidated, wondering if the treatment will hurt. There is actually very little to fear, as acupuncture needles are so small that even young children can be treated with very little discomfort! Furthermore, needles are not always necessary, as Traditional Chinese Medicine can use other therapies…

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