Articles by Jennifer McCormick
Women, Mothers, and Balance: What does “Having it All” Really Look Like?

Compared to other times in history, we as women currently have many more choices available to us. Under the law and within society, there are many more “acceptable” ways we can work, marry, raise children, etc. Women in my mother’s generation often talk about the privileges women in my generation are privy…
Relationship Inflammation: When Couples Fight
The Perks of the Calgary Stampede

There are many stereotypes that exist around the potential risks of Stampede time in Calgary, and many of them are realistic. For example, the risk of high alcohol consumption can lead to many not-so-great experiences. However, sometimes it’s useful to look at the benefits of these kinds of events as they are…
Parenting Stress in a Busy World
IBS: The Link between Anxiety and Gut Health

The Connection between Physical and Mental Health The more time I spend in the area of mental health, the more I learn about how intertwined our physical and psychological health really are. Recent research has started to point more clearly to the connections between the health of our gut (e.g. the digestive…
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – the Psychological Perspective

It is normal for moods to fluctuate a bit throughout the year. Sometimes, our moods increase or decrease with factors such as how busy we are at work, how well we’re sleeping, holidays, or changes in our lives (e.g. moving, challenges in relationships, being sick). However, for some people, mood may consistently…